Updates and announcements

Hi everyone,

First off – all is well. I saw my oncologist in November and everything looks fine. Back in September we had a bit of a scare which led to some scans a little earlier than we had planned. I had broken out in hives on my legs for no reason. Back in 2013, the week before I was first diagnosed with cancer I had broken out in hives on my legs – so needless to say we were stressed out and scared. My doctor ordered a CT scan (which was normal) and also a brain MRI since I was also having headaches (which also was completely normal). The rash went away after a week (and when the rash went away, so did the headaches! Fancy that) and I have been fine since. Though we firmly believe that God healed me of cancer, we realized that we are still on high alert whenever something is wrong with my body that we cannot explain (just like any other cancer survivor). I trust that this emotional and mental response will get better with the passage of time, as cancer fades into distant memory.

There is the update. Now the announcements. The first is that I have rewritten my story of healing, which is now updated on this website. Please feel free to share it. My prayer is that many people would be encouraged by my story of our God who loves us and who is indeed God With Us. I tried to be brief, but it is impossible – not because I am a wordy person, but because God did such an amazing thing and I don’t want to leave anything out. Which leads to my second announcement – that I am beginning the process of writing a book about my healing. I do not know what will come of it, but I have sensed for a long time that it is something I am supposed to do. I started this website so that I could continue to share widely what God has done, but a book has a permanence and tangibility that a website lacks. Now that our two children are in school all day, I have the time to focus on such a project.

Would you pray for me as I write this book? Pray that God would bless it and be glorified. Pray that I would be attentive to his Spirit and that I would write this book with God. Pray that I would trust God with this. Aside from my children and generations of our family to come, I do not know who this book is intended for; but I will leave those results to God.

God bless you this Christmas season!




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